Il Concorso Internazionale dei Grassoni si svolge ogni 2 anni alla Locanda La Posta a Cavour (TO), con il famoso Pranzo Pantagruelico e la pesa dei grassoni per decretare i nuovi Mister e Miss Informissima
Vedi la pagina corrente in italiano International Big People's Meeting View the current page in english
Big man at the contest   Giovanni Genovesio with the big friends   Margerita Cauda   Gargantuan Lunch
International Big People's Meeting
the sumo
Sumo is a very ancient Japanese discipline and sport. We were honoured to welcome in Cavour the Italian federation of Sumo wrestlers on Saturday at 3.30 p.m. in Piazza Sforzini and on Sunday May 7th. They gave nd us moments of joy competed and played with children for us.

We particularly thank: Fausto Gobbi, Matteo Formiconi e Alesssio Leo.
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