Il Concorso Internazionale dei Grassoni si svolge ogni 2 anni alla Locanda La Posta a Cavour (TO), con il famoso Pranzo Pantagruelico e la pesa dei grassoni per decretare i nuovi Mister e Miss Informissima |
Requirements |
Requirements to participate to the contest Informissima 2006! "Shapes in shape": |
- Minimum weight 100 kilos for men and for women;
- Men and women of all nationality can subscribe;
- Minimum age 18;
- Fll in the form for subscription and send it, with your picture to Locanda La Posta®, via dei Fossi 7, 10061 Cavour TO, Italy, within the required date;
- One has to go on scale twice and follow all rules as written on the general rules of the contest;
- The jury and the organizers have the right to refuse any application at any time or to exclude any participant who doesn't follow the general rules.
The lack to fulfill one or more requirements involves the exclusion, the rejection of a candidate at any time even if he/she was previously accepted.
The winners of the title of Mister and Miss World Informissima in the last edition cannot compete for the same title but can compete for other titles.